I offer a range of writing and copy editing services to suit your needs for web and print media platforms such as newsletter articles, brochures and press releases.
Proofreading: Your personal or business documents and its presentation are indicative of its credibility. Diminish and correct the amount of errors, such as missing words and improper usage.
Editing: Make your writing more concise, engaging and professional. Check spelling, punctuation, grammar, facts and turn long, unwieldy sentences into short, clear sentences.
Copywriting for web: The evolution of the democratized Web has changed the ways we think about crafting messages. Persuade the reader of your content to act. I can be that fresh eye and help you turn your content into a compelling, user friendly read.
Press releases: Announce your major company events and transitions. An effective and targeted press release will capture your audience’s attention and motivate them to contact you. I can help you set up your online press release for dissemination via PR Newswire or Marketwire.
“Ghost” Tweeting: Twitter is an increasingly popular and effective social networking tool to reach your audience as a business enterprise. I can help you “ghost” tweet or “ghost” blog and work together to create, update your feed and maintain your Twitter presence.